This year we will be running a series of “hot-topic” seminars and workshops: these are short events that will take place around the UK (as well as online) and are aimed at turning the focus onto subject areas within the Bionics+ remit as decided by YOU the partners. If you have ideas of areas that are worthy of discussion, and/ or up-and-coming areas of interest or bottle-necks for research in the field, then we would like to hear from you. If you have any ideas for a hot topic subject then please do get in touch with Maria, our network manager, and send us a few paragraphs on why you think the topic is worthy of discussion. We will then look at all suggestions received and try to work on commonalities and arrange for a series of workshops on the subjects of interest.

If you would like to volunteer space to hold such a workshop (half a day or a full day at most) then also please do get in touch – we would like to hear from you.

The aim of these events is simple: to bring to the fore topics of discussion that need dealing with and can be tackled by the network – get your thinking caps on and get in touch – the sooner the better – Thanks!

We have already arranged on hot-topic event this year – we will report on that separately – but we are keen to hear from our partners to see how we can address points for discussion NOW!

REMINDER: Hot-topic Proposals

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