After our recent Early-Career Researcher (ECR) workshop we are still keen to continue our support for ECRs in the Bionics area so, if you class yourself as an ECR – perhaps you are a student or a recent post-doc, or a recently appointed academic – or if there is someone in your department that works in the Bionics field and they meet this criteria then we would like to hear from you (and them!). We are keen to provide opportunities for ECRs in our field.

We are looking at concentrating on three main areas of activities that we believe will be of interest to ECRs, namely:

  1. Networking opportunities between ECRs to help in discussing ‘best-practices’.
  2. Networking opportunities for ECRs and leaders from various areas in Bionics research.
  3. Opportunities to take part in ‘soft-skills’ development and similar activities.

If you are interested then please let us know what you are interested in so that we can prepare for our next workshop.

REMINDER: Calling all Early-Career Researchers!

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