Remember that we have an open call for funding which is open to all eligible network members (make sure you are registered as a network member (applicant must be a UK based) so that you are able to apply – use the contact us form on our webpages to do so). This call covers the following funding streams (listed next). Please read carefully and contact us if you have any queries or wish to apply.

  1. RADA training: Each year, we will sponsor a number of network members to attend a relevant training workshop of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA). We don’t wish to proscribe the eligible courses, just take a look here to see what RADA offer. We of course have limited funds and can only fund a small number of members each year – so make a reasonable and compelling case: we will read all applications sent carefully. Total Budget Available £8,000
  2. Research Exchange Visits: Each year, we will fund two National & one International research exchange visits of PhD students and/or ECRs to facilitate the initiation of new collaborations and help researchers to acquire new skills that are not available in their home institution. Note that this funding is exclusive to PhD students and ECRs and you will be required to state your career stage in your application. Funding will be allocated to partially cover receipted travel and accommodation expenses. You will be required to make up any shortfall between actual expenses and the amount we can offer. Total Budget available: £6,500

You can apply at any time by going here filling out the requisite form and submitting it to us. All funding decisions will be made during the quarterly meetings of the Steering Group – which includes the executive group as well as EPSRC representation. We will follow all the rules and regulations stipulated by EPSRC when allocating funding and we expected those funded to abide by these similar rules. A short report will be expected upon completion of the project/ trip by each awardee. We welcome applicants from the UK from all backgrounds – some calls may be limited to early career researchers by design but this will be made clear in the call.

REMINDER: Call for Funding

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